Tuesday, September 25, 2007


One would think that being 25 and having lived on my own for 7 years and traveled to 3rd world countries I would be accustomed or at least use to killing bugs.

It was 10pm and I was all alone on a Sunday night:

I had taken my new really cool swiss computer bag over to a friends house and had set it down outside. Well aparently while I was not looking, a little bug (for this story we shall call him Chuck). So little ole stinky Chuck crawled into my new bag and I without knowing took him home. I sat my bag on the chair in the den and as I was watching a bit of t.v. I see something out of the corner of my eye crawling out of my bag. Ohh yes, it was Chuck.

I yelled at Chuck, literally saying HEY BUG get back. I ran to get a shoe worthy enough to kill such a huge bug. I could not muster up the courage to move the bag, touch the bag or for that matter even get near the chair. So I calmed myself down, sat back down to watch a little t.v. Then I saw it slowly yet surely coming out of the bag again. I took my shoe and yelled and it ran back into the bag. Ugg, so close to almost getting the courage to kill it.

So I called Mike and asked him if he would come over and kill the bug for me. He said yeah. So while I was waiting on my Bug Killer in Shining Armor I kept my left eye on the bag and every time Chuck would venture out I would yell HEY BUG and he would retreat. However I believe Chuck finally got smart and realized I was no threat to him, so he took off. Faster then any bug I've ever seen and ran down into the chair. Now I knew we would be in trouble. So by the time Mike made it to rescue me we couldn't find the bug anymore. So for the rest of the night I sat and slept in fear that Chuck would come and run all over me with his little stinky legs. Ugg.

Monday, September 24, 2007


This past Saturday was the first Saturday in a long time where I was able to sleep in, wake up and pretty much do what I wanted. I did some laundry, worked on a filing project while watching a movie. It was very relaxing. I was able to finish my projects and went to B'ham shopping for the afternoon with Mike. It was a lot of fun. I forget how great it is not to have something scheduled every day of the week. Ahhh rest...what a beautiful thing. Sometimes I forget that physical rest is a spiritual thing. God designed us to need rest and we function and do better when we have it.

Oh and I've got 1 Christmas present done for the season. Just about 20 more to go. I'm already a lot further ahead then I was last year. Yay! Go Me! = ) I'm trying to get better about buying gifts in advanced. I always seem to wait to the last minute...partially b/c i never know what to get them.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Clouds In My Coffee, Clouds In My Coffee, Clouds In My Coffee
(I cannot get this song out of my head)

I finally feel recovered from the weekend and feeling good. I have finally found an apartment to move into and I'm so excited. It's amazing! Over and beyond what I could have imagined. It's 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dinet(sp?), living room. Too cute and all for just $275/month. Also the last tenants who lived there painted and they did a great job. The colors are good and easy to work with. I'm so greatful for color! The apartment is close to downtown Anniston. Some (Mike) might say it's not too safe, but we've asked around and everyone in the building feels safe and there has been no riff raff hangin round, so I think it will be all good.

It was and is really important for me to live somewhere where the environment is welcoming to others and that there is enough space for people to come over hang out, stay over..whatever. I'm grateful for the space and the cost of it all. God is so good to provide!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Your So Vain...

The youth girls overnight party was a blast. I have not laughed that hard since...I was a youth. I spent most of the night laughing then crying then laughing. We didn't go to sleep until around 3:30 so I was past the point of delirium.

We had a great night of DDR (dance dance revolution) which we all now affectionately call Prance Prance Revolution thanks to Bethany Blair who doesn't necessarily dance, but prances. We also had a great round or two of Karaoke, with the hit song Your So Vain and Spin Me Round. Really, what more could you ask for.

We also had plenty of junk food which the girls who are all like little toothpicks inhaled while Bethany and I felt sick to our stomaches realizing we could not intake as much sugar as we once could.

Bethany and I passed along a youth group tradition/initiation that Bethany's mom started with us. There's nothing better then passin' down a little tradition, dancing, singing, eating till your sick, laughing till your crying and then crashing right where you are and waking up in the same position because you were too tired to move.

All n' all I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time. At least Bethany and I know we had a blast. If anything, we girls have learned to Be The Star You Are (inside joke...sorry).

I'm honestly still recovering from the lack of sleep, then getting too much sleep with the 2 naps on Saturday, then the oversleeping on Sunday morning. I'm sure I'll recover and be back to normal sometime this week.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Food (sigh)

I cannot remember the last time I forgot to eat. I Love food. Today I've been pretty busy and absorbed in what I'm doing at work, but I've never forgotten to eat. Today I did. It's 2:30 and I decided I needed to take a break and decided it was pointless to go to lunch now and that I might as well leave at 4:00 instead of going on lunch. However, now that I figured out that I forgot lunch all I can think about is Mexican food. Yummy. Some Caso, ohh the speedy gonzales.... I'm officially drooling. = P

Tonight I have the Youth Girls spend the night party. I'm mentally trying to prepare myself for it. The girls are great though. It's going to be a night of DDR, Karaoke, pedicures and manicures, girlie movies and eating junk. Really, I guess how much do I really need to prepare for that. One of the girls Alexis (whom I love) always says my name dramatically drawn out (AaaMmmIiiEee) b/c I tend to emabarrass her unintentionally. It's pretty funny b/c once I know what I'm saying is making her raise her eyebrows and say (Amie) I just feed off of it and continue.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Beauty in a Mess

Sorry I lost touch. This is my new attempt to stay in touch and to give an outlet to my rambling thoughts.

I have been back in Alabama since the end of March. I cannot believe that I have almost been here for 6 months, the time has flown by. I never would I have thought that I would be back here in Anniston, Alabama and I honestly never thought I would ever love being here. I love being back. I felt confident when I was moving from SC that God was calling me back to Anniston. I did not know why or what, but knew He was calling. It has and is still taking some adjustment being back, but the move has come with great blessing.

When I first moved back I was working at Merle Norman Cosmetics part time. I worked there through highschool, so it was a bit humbling being back. I was like, I have my college degree and now I'm back working at the same place I worked in highschool and making less money. Crazy. I was also working part time at Church of the Cross filling in until Matt and Bethany Blair arrived to come on staff. I now have a full time job at CanterCreek promotional products studion as the Sales Executive. It feels good to be working full time. I do so much better when I am on a schedule.

I'm volunteering at my church with the youth teaching the morning small group and helping on wednesday nights. The kids are great and the youth group is growing each week, it's so amazing to be apart of it all.

Faith Presbyterian Church has an ESL (English as a sencond language) ministry and I have recently started tutoring one day a week. I'm loving this and I am grateful for the outlet for some diversity in my life. It's funny to hear them pronounce a word like a say it. I send to have a distinct way of saying certain words, so it makes me laugh when they say a word they learned from me and it's in my northern/southern/hodgepodge Amie language. I hope I don't screw up their English too bad! I am excited about the opportunity to share Christ as I build more relationships and as their English/understanding gets better.

I am slowly yet surely getting back to life and back to reality. I am making new friends and enjoying being around diverse people. I am dating a man (Mike), who is great to be around and who is a very talented drummer. One of the best, if you ask me. He's very artistic and fun to be around.

New Friend


Pretty much...life is good. I'm growing in the Lord, I have great friends and fellowship, God is providing financially and shouldn't complain half as much as I do about dumb stuff in my life.

Ok well this blog is way too long, but I look forward to once again attempting to do this blogging thing. I still have got to figure out how to make this blog look cool...man I don't have a clue. I need to take an evening and just spend reading and playing around. So any pointers of those of you who know how to do this junk would be appreciated!